Sunday, December 13, 2009

Technology overload

Haven't posted for awhile. I got a new computer and have been trying to get used to it. Thankfully my son-in-law Reed set it up because I am clueless with all this new technology and wish to remain in a state of ignorance - in that realm anyway.

Does anyone care that the new technology, especially communications technology, evolves before one gets a chance to learn how to use it? In my case I don't even know about the existence of new thingys and they are already obsolete! Is it only me who wishes for a law that would do away with one form of communication before a new one is permitted to be invented?

Right now I still love old fashioned snail mail and hand written Christmas cards (another reason I haven't posted lately). I will tolerate voice mail and I do love e-mail. But why do we need faxes anymore?

Finally, I refuse to twitter, tweet, facebook or blackberry. I think I'd even give up my cell phone. I guess I'm really getting old. Good for me!

1 comment:

Maryellen said...

Hi El
I got a big kick out of this post because "I feel your pain". I get so upset with the new gadgets. My computer is over 6 years old, and I know when I get a new one (its an eventuality) it'll be so different.

I must tell you that one exception to the pesty technology is FACEBOOK. Many of our blogger friends are signed up there and it's so much easier to stay in touch than surfing to the blogs.

I rarely get around to visit all my blogger friends, so I just pop in a few one night, a few another night. Somehow I still end up going to bed late. Too late.