Sunday, March 16, 2008

Poems, a Psalm and a Prayer

A parting gift for the fans of Winter: my Winter 2008 poems, a psalm and a prayer.

Wind Chill

Take a breath.

Feel the icy river
flow up and over
the throat

only to get stuck
just disappear
but where?

Is it so very
warm within
that glacial air
on contact?

Then why the feel of wrapped
in a shivering shawl?

Why the empty echo
deep inside,
the terrifying cry
of all alone,
cold as a
dementor’s kiss.

In winter’s long dark night
does a votive spark
still flicker
in some distant corner
promising Spring?

© E.M. Ramos Jan.2008

Winter’s Window

I wander in the winter woods alone,
secure in the embrace of jolly gray giants.
I look through their leafless litter
to see what I did not behold before:

the elusive hawk
the spires of the conifers
heavenly pieces of light

While on my path
the last fragments of fall
frolic merrily
in the wind.

Ah, winter’s ebb
so icily warm and welcoming.

© E.M. Ramos March 2008

Psalm 147: 12-20

Jerusalem, give glory!
Praise God with song, O Zion!
For the Lord strengthens your gates
guarding your children within.
The Lord fills your land with peace,
giving you golden wheat.

God speaks to the earth,
the word speeds forth.
The Lord sends heavy snow
and scatters frost like ashes.

The Lord hurls chunks of hail.
Who can stand such cold?
God speaks, the ice melts;
God breathes, the streams flow.

God speaks his word to Jacob,
to Israel, his laws and decrees.
God has not done this for others,
no others receive this wisdom.


Prayer of the Season

Shall we praise you, hail-hurling God,
in winter’s splendor,
in the grace of snow
that covers with brightness
and reshapes both your creation and ours?
Or shall we curse the fierce cold that punishes
homeless people and shortens tempers?
Blessed are you
in the earth’s tilt and course.
Blessed are you in the sleep of winter
and in the oncoming Lenten spring.
Now and then and always,
fill these lands with peace.


teresa_anawim2 said... thanks in all things...especially that we have life!

Today we are having a faint trace of snow along with rain..

I got to accompany a friend on an errand out to the far outskirts of the city where there were hardly any buildings and a lot of open fields and trees clowing in the March wind..still winter. She went inside while I opted to satay outdoors and enjoy the clean, brisk winter air for a few more days.

My lilac bushes have buds which is letting my know that those undesirable days of heat are not many weeks away!

teresa_anawim2 said...

I just came in from Sunday am Mass . It was in the 20's when I left my house and will be 60 later on this week. Typical New England weather.