Friday, March 12, 2010

Running to Nowhere

For some time I have felt so impatient. Like I want to hurry everything through and get on to the next thing. No matter what it is. If I’m reading, I want to hurry and finish the book and immediately start the next. I call it “Chain Reading”, much like chain smoking except it‘s not destroying my lungs. I read 57 books last year. If I’m walking I want to hurry and get to some destination, usually the café or some other place to eat. If I’m eating, I hurry to finish, hardly noticing the taste, never savoring.

I want the movie to be over so I can go on to the next thing. At work, I enjoy the planning but my goal is to finish and proceed to the next project -right away. I can’t stand to be without motion, to be still, to meditate, to focus, to pray. I want everything to be over and done with. Instead of breathing and delighting in where I am right now. And where I am right now is in flux. PS I hurried to finish this.


jugglingpaynes said...

Mom, Diann talked about this last week in yoga. Spring is coming, which causes a lot of impatience. You really should learn to breathe and relax. It's not the destination, it's the journey.

Love, T.

PS: My word verification is bwerds! I love the bwerds!

Maryellen said...

It might be an age thing. As we age, we realize time is running out on us and we want to get it all done before we go. At least that's what I discovered in myself.

Unfortunately the cure for hurriedness is infirmity, when the good shephard "makes me lie down in green pastures" and gives us time to think about what's really important. The only thing that matters is our relationship with God: our Love for Him, our Obedience to Him, and our Faithfulness to Him. Any other concerns we may have pale in comparison.

Ask God to show you how to enter into His Rest just as Jesus invited us "Come unto me and I will give you rest". There is such a state of mind and soul. I pray you will seek it. Your daughter is right, it's the Journey.

Inner Elder said...

Maryellen - Your thoughts are exactly what occurred to me as I journalled on this "rushing" dilemma. Time running out. And hey! what would make me slow down? Illness, of course. Uh-oh! Thank you for sharing. I need to go back into the silence. eleanor

Maryellen said...

Dear El
In the silence, we hear what we need to hear, yet dread hearing how we need to continue to be converted in our series of many spurts of spiritual growth.

Take heart, after the lessons, comes the wisdom to travel the journey one day at a time. No need to hurry. The days and our time is in the hands of God. Blessings on you and yours.