Wednesday, June 25, 2008

My Career in Aging: Ministry to Seniors

Just realized I never finished the story of my career in aging (see Career on sidebar). The next installment is about my most satisfying experience at Catholic Charities as Director of the Ministry to Seniors Program.

Ministry to Seniors was the New York Archdiocese’s response to parish social ministry efforts to minister to the frail, homebound elderly and their caregivers. It grew out of a task force in the late 70’s to address the “graying” of the Archdiocese and which resulted in Catholic Charities’ Department of the Aging. See Blog 2/8/08.

Ministry to Seniors worked with parishes to enable them to meet the needs of seniors and their families in effective and Spirit-filled ways. Five different program models were developed that parishes might adapt to minister to the well elderly, the homebound and their caregivers:

Outreach to the Homebound
Senior Link

Caregiver Support & Respite

Senior Spirituality Groups
Social Programs

Ministry to Seniors
helped parishes recruit volunteers, conducted on-site training of parish staff, coordinators and volunteers, and provided on-going support, training and technical assistance. In 1997, 56 parishes had programs affiliated with Ministry to Seniors with over 525 volunteers providing nearly 30,000 instances of service to over 1600 homebound persons and their caregivers.

Training of volunteers at the parish level was seen as key to what Ministry to Seniors could offer parishes. We wanted to prepare these volunteers to be effective ministers to an aging, vulnerable population that was growing at an unprecedented rate and which had many unmet needs. A study funded by the Robert Woods Johnson Foundation in the 80’s and conducted by Fordham’s Third Age Center found that an average parish is comprised of 25% seniors aged 65 and older, more and more of whom are frail and need assistance to continue residing in their homes. According to the National Council on the Aging, in 1996 the 65+ age group was 33.9 million or 12.8% of the U.S. population. And the older population is getting older. In 1996, the 85+ age group (3.5 million) was 31 times larger than in 1900, while the 65-74 age group (18.7 million) was eight times larger. By 2030 there will be about 70 million older Americans, twice the number in 1996 and 20% of the population. Fordham’s study showed that the first place seniors and their families turn for help is often their parish or faith community. Our mission was to help parishes meet this challenge.

Because of the tendency of most parish volunteers to be “overcommitted” timewise and averse to structured training, we designed a simple bare bones four hour basic course in outreach to the homebound. Over seven years, this basic training evolved as follows to cover four areas.

An overview of the physical, psychological, social and spiritual challenges of aging;
An introduction to benefits, entitlements and community resources for the elderly and their caregivers;
Communication skills;
The practical aspects involved in ministering to the homebound.

Challenges of Aging: This overview was usually done by a local professional in the field of aging, usually a health care professional or gerontology professor, and gave volunteers a knowledge of the aging process, the difference between normal and abnormal aging, and exposed several “myths” about aging. If the critical area of spirituality of late life was not within the expertise of the speaker, Ministry to Seniors’ staff provided a brief discussion of this topic. On some level the team recognized this deficit in the outreach training. We began to offer more in-depth treatment through presentations on Spirituality of Aging to volunteer groups, through retreats and Senior Spirituality Days, a major conference on Senior Adult Ministry and a new training for parish facilitators of senior spirituality groups, which are small faith sharing groups aimed at older persons.

Community Resources: This component of the training was usually done by a representative of the local area agency on aging and acquainted volunteers with information on the wide range of benefits and services available to the elderly. Volunteers were trained to be sensitive to specific needs of those they visited and to alert coordinators or Catholic Charities staff if a potential problem existed.

Communication Skills: A video by Ellie Waters of Oakland University was used to demonstrate “do’s” and “don’ts” of listening to older adults. The tape is designed to give trainees an opportunity to practice their listening skills, especially attending to feelings. This was one part of the training that staff felt was never given enough time. Trainees often expressed that they would have liked more practice in this area. Since there is no real on-site supervision of the parish volunteers, we were always been concerned about strengthening and expanding this segment of our outreach training. And later we did so in collaboration with Partners in Healing of Fordham University.

Practical Aspects: This segment treated such topics as: Getting Started as a Volunteer, Conversation Starters and Boosters, Guidelines for Service Provision, Setting Boundaries, Warning Signs to Look For, and more. Volunteers were provided with handouts on all these topics and to which they could later refer, as well as the names and phone numbers of contact persons in case of questions or concerns.

In the evaluations of the outreach training, volunteers were usually very positive in rating the training day. However, less than half scored themselves more than “moderately” prepared to begin their volunteer service.

To be continued….

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